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Sep-23 Polish GO Market Quotes: prices remain largely stable across all vintages

The Polish GO market showed little variation or a slight drop in the prices of current and forward year production GOs from renewable sources in August, based on the latest indicative prices as of 06 September 2023. The changes ranged from a 1% increase to a 5% decrease for all the GOs on offer. The 2023 GOs have suffered the most, with prices dropping by up to 5%. Market sources say the prices are stable because of the Windfall 97% tax on power generators, which has reduced the market activity and kept the prices steady. As a result of AIB 2023 GOs falling more than 5%, the Polish GOs are trading at a slight premium of 0.05 Euro/MWh at the current quoted price.

Legal Updates On August 14, 2023, the Polish President signed a law that amended the Energy Law and certain other acts. The law includes a windfall tax which imposes a 97% tax on the sale price of GOs. The tax only applies to GO transfers (excluding re...

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