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Kumara Rathnam

Senior Analyst - Renewable Power


I’m a senior analyst working on renewable power at Veyt where I focus on the UK Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin (REGO), Spanish domestic Guarantees of Origin (GO) and other European Energy Certificate System (EECS) GOs. I also cover the Renewable Obligation Certificates (ROCs) in the UK. As such, I keep abreast of developments in Europe and the UK, spotting similarities and differences as these markets develop.

My objective is to provide our clients with information and actionable insights on the markets I cover. My role is to identify key drivers in the market, from which to build models and scenarios that our clients can use to maximise their position in the market. Seeing how my work is actively contributing to a low-carbon economy and mitigating climate change is extremely motivating.

I am an electronics engineer by training and I studied a management course in energy, economics, and finance in India and Norway. This led me to work for the Indian power regulator, among the largest in the world. I was involved in introducing and developing smart-grid and power-trading regulations. While studying in Norway, I did an internship with Statkraft where I looked at green certificate markets globally and worked as a broker with Cleanworld before joining Veyt.

I have been with Veyt almost since it began in 2016, which means I have had a front seat view to green certificate markets as they have grown and changed. For example, when we started, market participants did not have access to data such as closing prices. I led on developing our first GO product and the methodology that underpins it. Having followed the market for so long, I also lead on our taxonomy and classification work. Working across power and green certificate markets from multiple perspectives meansI am confident in supporting our clients in helping to identify opportunities and make the right decisions. 

I live in Oslo, and I speak English, Hindi, and Tamil, and I am working on my Norwegian.

Quote from Kumara Rathnam
Veyt is a place where I can apply my analytical skills and my eco-friendly values to create a positive, lasting impact. I work with a brilliant and diverse team that shares a common vision for our sustainable future. For me, Veyt is not just a company, it’s a family of people who care about making a difference.